Sunday, December 14, 2008

Outside Post #14: Wonka NERDS and Schwarzenegger

Today I received a box of the candy NERDS by Wonka. I was reading the nutrition facts and I found out that 13 of these little candy's equal 60 calories. I was surprised that these little candy's would have so many calories. If I were to eat about 33 servings of these, it would be the equivalent of the calories I should be eating in one day. But anyways, I was watching in the news that in California, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, was in debt and he owed the the state $4.1 billion. My parents and I both live in that state, so that effects us , and in the long run, we are the ones who are going to have to pay back the money that the governor owes.

1 comment:

Joe W. said...

those nerds are really good. One of my favorites but I never knew they had so much calories. That suprises me. Lastly I hope your family does not get hurt by that 4.1 billion dollars.